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Candy Jewellery

10 Mars 2020
Candy Jewellery

Follow this fun and colourful tutorial to create cute candy jewellery!

You will need:

  • Different colours of Patarev and Patabul'
  • Jewellery supports
  • 1 needle
  • Thread

Step by step instructions:

  1. Start by making the bead style #1: Create small Patarev balls of the colour of your choice (we chose neon pink).
  2. Bead style #2: Create different coloured Patabul' balls that you will flatten.
  3. Bead style #3: Create small squares that you will flatten and pile up together.
  4. Bead style #4: Create a big sausage that you will wrap around a small black ball.
  5. Leave to dry.
  6. Assemble all the different bead styles you made with thread and place them on the jewellery support you have!

You are now officially done! You can wear your beautiful creations!