Follow this fun and colourful tutorial to create cute candy jewellery!
You will need:
- Different colours of Patarev and Patabul'
- Jewellery supports
- 1 needle
- Thread
Step by step instructions:
- Start by making the bead style #1: Create small Patarev balls of the colour of your choice (we chose neon pink).
- Bead style #2: Create different coloured Patabul' balls that you will flatten.
- Bead style #3: Create small squares that you will flatten and pile up together.
- Bead style #4: Create a big sausage that you will wrap around a small black ball.
- Leave to dry.
- Assemble all the different bead styles you made with thread and place them on the jewellery support you have!
You are now officially done! You can wear your beautiful creations!