Let's go on an adventure and let's create a... Treasure map! It's very easy, all you need is your imagination, paper, and a little bit of Aquarellum inks!
You will need:
- Aquarellum inks and a palette
- 1 piece of paper (you can use regular paper)
- 1 clean sponge
- water
- Coloured crayons, stickers, whaterver you need to personalise your treasure map!
Step by step instructions:
- Rip off the edges of your piece of paper. It does not need to be neat! The messier the better, as a true pirate would say!
- Once you are done creating a parchment shape you are satisfied with, use a wet sponge to humidify the entire paper surface.
- In your palette, mix red, blue and yellow Aquarellum inks with the dropper to get a nice brown colour.
- With a paint brush, randomly place different brown stains all over the wet paper. You will get a very vintage look if you don't place the stains homogeneously. It will be very pretty if some zones are darker than others.
- Before the ink stains have time to dry, take the wet sponge to smudge the stains and dilute them. Rub the paper with soft circular motions until you get a satisfying result. You can always improve your pattern by adding more brown stains, and diluting them again. Repeat these different steps until you get the perfect result.
- Leave the paper to dry. You can also use a hair dryer if you want to accelerate that step.
- Now, it's creativity time! Use your imagination, your paintbrush and your crayons to create your imaginary world!
- You can trace out an island, and a compass.
- You can add the Pirates' headquarters and where they hid their treasure!
- You can even add the names of different locations on your map!
Once you are done, let the adventure begin!
Our trick: You can try to reproduce your bedroom or your living room on your map to try and organise a realy treasure hunt in your house!