Coup de
During this cooperative game, each player will have to make the others guess their travel picture with the help of smells that can recall its geographic location, its colour or even what it basically represents.
This game presents 70 travel pictures taken across the world along with 30 smells. Some associations are easy to make, like the smell of lavender for a Provence landscape in France. But other times, players will have to get creative because the smell of leather, algae or lemongrass are not always associated with the same ideas depending on the players.
With this olfactory trip, get ready to live some fabulous sensory adventures with your family or friends.
Pear, Banana, Exotic fruits, Mulberry, Strawberry, Orange, Hazelnut, Tree moss, Mint, Tree, Mushroom, Lemongrass, Grass, Hot chocolate, Cinamon, Tea, Milk, Curry, Bread, Blue hyacinth, Rose, Tiara Flower, Lavender, Oriental Scent, Animals, Leather, Fish, Ocean, Firewood, Incense, Stones.
Our smells are all formulated and created by Veronique Debroise, our founder and CEO that used to be a perfume maker. The smells are then manufactured in our factory located in Saint-Arnoult-en-Yvelines, near Paris in France.
This game is actually 100% manufactured in France.
Our smell capsules are guaranteed for a minimum of 2 years, but can last for much longer if you close them after each use with the right cap. Keep this game far from a heat source.
Somebody that is not used to using their nose may find that olfactory recognition can be hard. However, we guarantee you that with a little training, it will become very easy!
Our first tip is to try and categorise the smell: is it sugary? salty? fruity? flowery? Woody? etc.
Our second tip is to try and remember what that smell makes you think of. Actually, our sense of smell is the one that is the most linked to our memory! A simple smell can make you think of a season (strawberries in summer), a person (grandma’s lemon smell), a favourite dish (curry), a yogurt flavour, a cream fragrance, a place, etc. Making this link will automatically help to put a name on the smell you are trying to recognise.
Also, smells are like colours. For example, there are as many shades of green as there are apple smells! A green apple does not exactly smell like a red apple, that smells differently from apple sauce or apple pie! The smells presented in our games are therefore one of the many available versions of smells that you can find around you.
Recognising smells will become a true Memory game, using all your souvenirs as a reference palette.
Box, boards made at least of 89% recycled cardboard
paravis vérifié
Les parfums sont très proches des odeurs originales et le voyage n'en est que plus agréable .
the 17/10/2024
following an order made on 14/09/2024
Marie-Béatrice R.
Produit conforme à mes attentes
the 15/07/2024
following an order made on 06/06/2024
Sylvie B.
Pas assez de précisions entre produit à sentir et produit sous forme de pastilles à avaler. On a du mal à voir ce que l'on achète. Pas assez d'odeurs du quotidien.
the 08/08/2023
following an order made on 07/07/2023
Anonymous customer
Idée très sympa de l'activité coopérative, belle présentation, belle qualité pour le contenu de la boîte. Le jeu proposé est un peu compliqué à mettre en œuvre. Bien sûr le groupe de joueurs peut s'amuser à créer ses propres règles mais une "règle du jeu" plus simple, permettant de jouer plus vite serait la bienvenue (surtout quand on joue avec de très jeunes enfants ou des personnes atteintes de démences de type Alzheimer ou autres)
the 29/07/2023
following an order made on 30/06/2023
Anonymous customer
Ce jeu des odeurs est très intéressant en parcourant le Monde en même temps.
the 06/04/2023
following an order made on 29/03/2023
Anonymous customer